For decades, the flight simulation world has been waiting for a truly authentic version of the E-Jets. The wait is finally over.


Personal License

  • For personal (non-commercial) entertainment use only.
  • For one computer at a single location.
  • For personal use on multiple computers, purchase additional licenses.

Select your preferred store:

Please note that taxes may differ depending on your location.

Commercial License

For commercial, training, research, or educational purposes, a separate commercial license is required. Learn more here.


Compatible with X-Plane 11 & X-Plane 12. Available on all operating systems. Each E-Jet can be purchased individually, or in a bundle at a discounted price.

* Learn more about our different pricing options.


For decades, the flight simulation world has been waiting for a truly authentic version of the E-Jets. The wait is finally over.


Developed with Pilots


Experience a highly realistic airline simulation without complicated setups or a steep learning curve. Real pilots validated the iconic E-Jet automatic systems, and with our Demo Flight and Cheat Sheet , you'll be flying full flights on day one.


  • Pricing Options

    Learn about our discount options or about upgrading to the full E-Jets Family.

    Learn More

  • FAQ

    Most questions get asked over and over again, so you're most likely to find your answer here.


  • User Reviews

    See what others think of these products.


  • Getting Started

    This page will make your learning experience quick and fun.

    Get Started!

  • Download Manuals

    Read the manuals before buying the products, to make sure you know what to expect.


Developed with Pilots

Experience a highly realistic airline simulation without complicated setups or a steep learning curve. Real pilots validated the iconic E-Jet automatic systems, and with our Demo Flight and Cheat Sheet , you'll be flying full flights on day one.

We're also working on the Lineage 1000, which will be the fifth E-Jets Family member. Full E-Jets Family owners will get it free in a future update.


For the first year, you are eligible for a 15% discount!

The E-Jets Family add-ons are brand new products and are not a free update of our previous E-Jets.

However, as a courtesy to our supporters, we are offering all the customers of the E175 v2.5 or E195 v2.5 a time-limited discount toward buying the full E-Jets Family.

Explore our interactive galleries which show the difference between the older and new E-Jets below.




Payware vs. Free E-Jets


Our Freeware E-Jets are a simplified version of the real aircraft, relying mostly on the default X-Plane systems. You will have a lot of fun, however they are far from the real E-Jets.

With our payware E-Jets, you'll experience the authentic E-Jets automated systems, complete with the Authentic FMS, VNAV or FMS Speed that have made them favorites among real-world pilots.


Interactive Comparison

Explore these galleries to compare our Free E-Jets with the payware E-Jets Family models.


Easier than Boeing or Airbus

The E-Jets are often considered the easiest airliners to fly due to their advanced automation and ease of control. The true-to-life systems in our E-Jets reduce your workload and they will instantly make you feel like a seasoned pilot.


Automatically Guided Takeoff

Automated takeoff sequence transitions through multiple Autothrottle and Flight Director modes and auto-captures LNAV & VNAV.

FMS Manages all Autothrottle Speeds

FMS Speed automates speed management from takeoff to landing. All you need to do is control the flaps, just like in real life!

Authentic FMS Guides Precise LNAV & VNAV

The Authentic FMS is the brain of the E-Jets, intricately guiding multiple autopilot modes with accuracy and automation.

Descent Starts Automatically

VNAV precisely calculates the ideal Top of Descent, ensuring all altitude restrictions are met, and then initiates the descent automatically .

ILS Autotune Ensures Successful Landing

ILS Autotune loads the correct ILS frequency, and captures LOC & GS automatically, making every ILS approach effortless.


Lineage 1000

Discover our new flagship product—the ultimate E-Jet, designed to meet the luxury and performance demands of billionaires.


Feature List

Explore all features by clicking on the sections below. You can also watch our Cockpit Features Introduction video or download the User Manuals to see a detailed and comprehensive description of all features and systems.

Systems & Autopilot New

  • Realistic Automated Systems: Modeled after the real E-Jets, with input from actual pilots.

  • Precise Autopilot: Includes precise LNAV & authentic VNAV that follows all altitude restrictions and starts the descent automatically.

  • Guided Takeoff: Automatic, correct takeoff guidance for smooth departures.

  • New in v1.1 FMS Speed Control: Autothrottle manages speeds automatically.

  • New in v1.1 ILS Autotune: Effortless landings with automatic ILS frequency tuning.

  • New in v2.0 RNAV Glidepath: Accurate vertical navigation for RNAV approaches.

  • Steep Approach System: When activated, it automatically deploys speedbrakes, enabling precise landings on short, steep-approach runways like London City Airport’s 5.5° glide slope.

  • Things that are not yet implemented: HOLDS, procedural turns, all waypoints are treated as fly-past, not fly-over, independent PFD and MFD.


The Flight Managements Systems (FMS) is the brain of the E-Jets that ties the avionics and autopilot together.


  • Functions and feels very much like the FMS on the real plane.

  • The Authentic FMS emulates Load 27

  • Includes all pages required for full flight planning. The list of these pages was specified by a real E-Jets instructor working for a US-based operator.

  • Allows the user to fully program flight plans including SIDs, STARs, Airways or setting PERF data.

  • Some pages may not be operational or are reserved for future development.

  • Please refer to our Demo Flight page for in depth instructions on the FMS operation.

Not implemented yet: HOLDs and procedural turns are not yet implemented. We are hoping to add these features in a future update.

Avionics New

  • Exact one-to-one high-resolution rendition of the PFD, MFD and EICAS screens, incorporating the exact colors and fonts.

  • All Flight Annunciators are included with dedicated flashers upon engagement.

  • The MFD includes a custom NAV Map, a Vertical Situation Display, and all the synoptic pages used for systems overview.

  • Correct Startup Sequence with screens and instruments loading based on the loads on electrical buses.

  • Two versions of avionics are available for the PFD (Load 25 & Load 27).

New Next-Gen Pop Up Screens allow you to open the screens on separate monitors

Warning: Please note that the CAS system (a section on the EICAS which displays messages related to the CAUT and MASTER warnings) is not fully implemented in this version.

You will get around 30 most commonly seen messages, however, not all of them will be coupled with the CAUT or MASTER warning, and there are still many less common messages missing.

We need to develop this system from scratch in order to fully implement it and this is a very time consuming task, so in the meantime we have a "lite" version of CAS that displays messages a pilot would normally see on a standard flight.

3D Visuals

  • We worked for over 2000 hours to perfectly replicate the interior and exterior of the aircraft down to the smallest details. You will find details from pins that indicate how worn the brakes are, to the zip-ties holding cables in place under the glareshield.

  • We used colors scans to match the real colors of the cockpit and avionics and 3D scans to verify the dimensions of the interior and exterior of the aircraft.

  • In one of our Not-A-Newsletters, we explain why saying "we are using 4K textures" is completely irrelevant. So we will not say that, even though we are of course using them.

    Instead, we can tell you that we spent months developing procedural processes that allowed us to give you crisp and detailed textures all around you in the cockpit without increasing the load on your system. Good performance was always the cornerstone of the development.

  • There is no point for us to describe something that you can see for free. So simply download the free preview model!


  • The flight model was developed by X-Aerodynamics, the industry leader for simulating precise aerodynamics.

  • The flight characteristics and performance was tested and approved by real E-Jet pilots.

  • The flight model was optimized for both X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12.


Our new custom Electronic Flight Bag (**EFB**) is a tablet that gives you access to:

  • Door control & Ground Services

  • Weight & Balance

  • Takeoff Performance Calculations

  • Landing Performance Calculations

  • Checklists

  • Avitab

Watch the video below to see all the features that are included in our EFB.


  • We are utilizing the SkunkCrafts Auto Updater. The Auto Updater makes it very easy to detect and download new updates all directly through X-Plane. This way you don’t ever have to worry about missing an update again!
  • Every time you load the plane, you’ll be notified if a new version is available and if yes, you’ll be able to get the update with just a few clicks directly through X-Plane.

  • You can find simple instructions here


  • All exterior & interior lights were implemented and fine tuned for both X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12. That includes all cockpit lights, cabin lights, sterile cockpit lights, galley lights, emergency lights and more.

  • Countless animations all around the cockpit and cabin. Naturally we animated all the doors, cockpit seats, jump seat, or windows.

  • We really went the extra mile, so you'll even see that the seatbelts in the cockpit or loose items in the cabin like the trolleys or curtains will be shaking during turbulence.


  • The next generation of our custom FMOD package brings complex and true-to-life sounds which elevate the audio experience to a new level of immersion.

  • The custom sound package includes sounds that were recorded on the real jets.

  • All switches, buttons, levers and controls produce unique sounds. Even similar switches do not produce the same sound, as is the case in real life.

  • Extensive work has been done on the engine sounds, which are crucial for an immersive experience.

  • Cabin announcements are included and can be disabled through the settings menu.

Below is a version of the trailer without any music, allowing you to hear what the E-Jets Family sounds like in X-Plane.

Fine-tuned VR

  • All cockpit manipulators have been fine tuned for a smooth VR experience.
  • We've included dedicated pop up panels for easier visual experience when flying
  • To use the EFB, you'll need to use the MoveVR plugin


  • We have our Custom Settings menu through which you can configure your preferences, like weight units, if you want wheel covers or not and much more.

  • These settings will be saved in a configuration file and remembered between flights.

Additionally, the jets are comapatible with these popular plugins:


Immersive Experience

We spent thousands of hours perfecting even the smallest details, from realistic sounds to the dust on the screens. These subtle touches take you from just playing a game to feeling like you're really there.

Hundreds of Liveries

All products come with the eight liveries (above) included. Plus, there are now over 220 additional stunning liveries crafted by the community. For your convenience, you'll find all available liveries in the list below.

Optimized Performance

Experience smooth performance with our optimized E-Jets. We’ve developed advanced processes that adaptively manage textures and details, ensuring high-quality visuals without sacrificing your framerates.


  • Windows, Mac (any CPU) and Linux compatible
  • X-Plane 11.50+ as well as X-Plane 12 compatible*

  • * All E-Jets Family versions and updates are compatible with both X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12 and we are dedicated to continue supporting both X-Plane versions for as long as possible. However we reserve the right to stop supporting X-Plane 11 in the future.

    Hardware Requirements

    Click here to verify the minimum requirements

    Minimum Hardware Requirements:

    Your device must meet these minimum requirements to run this product. You will only be able to use:

  • Default X-Plane scenery
  • No additional plugins
  • 3 GHz processor minimum
  • 4 GB VRAM minimum
  • 16 GB RAM minimum
  • Advanced Hardware Requirements:

    Your device should meet these requirements for the best experience if you want to use:
  • Custom sceneries
  • 3rd Party add-ons
  • 3.5 GHz processor or higher
  • 8 GB VRAM or higher
  • 24 GB RAM or higher

    Please verify the minimum hardware requirements below to ensure you can run this product. If you are experiencing poor performance even though your computer meets the minimum criteria, please read our performance boosting guide.


    Getting Started!

    Our tutorials and cheat sheets will make your learning experience quick and fun!

    Watch the Videos

    Watch the E-Jets in action, from quick tutorials to full live streams with Q8 Pilot on Youtube.

    Free Preview

    For your peace of mind, download our Free Preview version of the E170 before purchasing


    Easter Eggs

    Any X-Crafts fan knows that all our products have their own unique personality. You'll find that the E-Jets are packed with hidden surprises and Easter eggs for you to discover. But don't worry, you can always disable them too.


    Regular Updates

    The E-Jets are constantly evolving. We’re always working to enhance and improve your experience, ensuring you get the most realistic and enjoyable flight simulation possible. Explore our latest updates and stay tuned for what's coming next!

    Check Latest Updates

    2.0.0 Released!

    A game-changing new generation with unprecedented features across the board. Fly like a Billionaire in the brand new fifth E-Jet — Lineage 1000.


    Pilot Testimonials

    I would have been very happy if I had this add-on for my real-type rating studies, unfortunately I didn’t at the time.
    As a senior captain with more than 10,000 hours of experience in the actual airplane, I find myself comfortable in the cockpit, especially when I fly in VR. The flight deck is precisely modeled, and the view is an accurate representation of reality.

    Marko and his team have done an outstanding job of replicating the experience of operating this splendid aircraft. Whether you are a flight simulation enthusiast or a real-world pilot who wants a taste of flying an Embraer from the pilot’s seat, the X-Crafts E-Jets Family is the closest you can get to the real deal.
    — Johnatan G.
    My name is Jose Perez, E175 Captain/Check Airman for a Regional Airline based in the USA. I have been working with X-Crafts as a Beta tester for this project since April 2022 and I can say that the E-Jets Family will be a game changer for the X-Plane community. Systems, visuals, sounds, authentic MCDU, the way the plane flies, makes me feel I’m in the cockpit flying the actual plane.
    — Jose Perez
    As a current Embraer E-Jet pilot with over 2500 hours on type, I can confidently say that this simulator is the real deal. With highly accurate models of the aircraft interior, a genuine Flight Management System (FMS) and autopilot features including lateral and vertical navigation guidance, and realistic systems, you’ll feel like you’re actually in the cockpit of this of the real aircraft.

    Whether you’re a real pilot or a hobbyist, the X-Crafts E-Jet flight simulator is the perfect way to experience the thrill of flying an Embraer E-Jet without leaving the ground.
    — Juanda Ismail

    User Reviews


    Which E-Jet is right for you?


    Biggest Operator: Republic Airways

    70 seats / Dual class

    GE CF34-8E

    2,150nmi / 3,982 km

    Max Speed:
    Mach .82

    Maximum Takeoff Weight:
    38,600 kg / 85,098 lb

    New Steep Approach System Implemented


    Biggest Operator: SkyWest

    78 seats / Dual class

    GE CF34-8E

    2,200nmi / 4,074 km

    Max Speed:
    Mach .82

    Maximum Takeoff Weight:
    40,370 kg / 89,000lb

    Extended winglets available


    Biggest Operator: JetBlue

    94 seats / Dual class

    GE CF34-10E

    2,450nmi / 4,537 km

    Max Speed:
    Mach .82

    Maximum Takeoff Weight:
    51,800 kg / 114,199 lb

    New Steep Approach System Implemented


    Biggest Operator:

    106 seats / Dual class

    GE CF34-10E

    2,300nmi / 4,260 km

    Max Speed:
    Mach .82

    Maximum Takeoff Weight:
    52,290 kg / 115,280 lb

    Largest of the fleet

    Lineage 1000

    Description: Executive Airliner

    13-19 / Based on configuration

    GE CF34-10E

    4,600nmi / 8,500 km

    Max Speed:
    Mach .82

    Maximum Takeoff Weight:
    54,500 kg / 120,152 lb

    A special variant combining the best of all E-Jets

    Get all five for the price of two!

    Most customers purchase all variants in the E-Jets Family bundle, for only $29.99 per product. Learn more below.

    Free E-Jets

    Not ready for the payware E-Jets?
    Try our Free E-Jets first!


    Experience the E-Jets Like Never Before


    We’re committed to ensuring you enjoy our products from day one. That’s why we’re not just offering a new airliner— we’re delivering a value-packed experience with premium services included.

    Embraer Fleet by X-Crafts

    Premium Value Bundle

    E-Jets Family + ERJ Family

    Get all of our products at a heavily discounted price
    Includes all our additional services mentioned above

    Get all our products for $199.95

    That's only $19.99 per product

    Upgrade to the Full Family

    If you buy a single E-Jet, you can upgrade to the full E-Jets Family for $84.99 at any time. The discount applies automatically.


    Upgrade to the Full E-Jets Family for Just $84.99!

    If you bought any single E-Jets (E170, E175, E190, E195, or Lineage 1000) after May 2023, you can later upgrade to the complete Full E-Jets Family for only $84.99—no special codes or extra steps required! This offer never expires, so you can upgrade anytime.

    How to Upgrade:

    1. Log in to your X-Plane.org account (the same one used for your original purchase).
    2. Add the Full E-Jets Family to your cart—the store will automatically adjust the price.
    3. Complete your purchase—Install the package and enjoy all five E-Jets!
    If you don’t see the discount applied, please get in touch with sales@x-plane.org and they will sort it out.

    We do not have any access to the store, so we are unable to assist with purchase issues.


    Labor Day Sale Announcement:

    All our products are on sale from Friday, September 1st till Tuesday, September 5th, 2023.


    Contrary to a previous announcement via our Not-A-Newsletter, the Upgrade Deal discounts above are not combined with the Labor Day Sale discounts. We apologize for the inconvenience; the misunderstanding arose from a misinterpretation of information from the store.

    You should always see the lowest possible discount applied to your order when you put the products in the cart.