We love the E-Jets and we’ve worked on them for nearly a decade now. X-Plane will always be our main platform because it is the only platform that allows us to create a truly authentic rendition of these jets in all aspects of the simulation.

However, we still wanted users of other flight simulators to experience what it is like to fly the E-Jets, so we have teamed up with Flightsim Studio, and together we are bringing the E-Jets also to Microsoft Flight Simulator.


The X-Plane and MSFS E-Jets are not the same

The E-Jets Family for X-Plane and E-Jets Series for MSFS are completely different products, created by different teams, with different objectives and will give you a different resulting experience. These two product lines only share the same 3D visuals, which were provided by X-Crafts.


Tech Support

X-Crafts is not providing Tech Support for the MSFS E-Jets Series.

We are providing the 3D visuals, but we are not responsible for the systems, FMS, avionics, flight model, EFB, sounds or any other aspect of these products in Microsoft Flight Simulator.