Don't worry!
We are here to help!
Our complex add-ons might require some help to get started, but we're here for you every step of the way. We've put together tutorials, demo flights, FAQs, and more to make it easy.
Plus, our tech support forum is always available for direct help. We take every issue seriously and personally and we're here to help you enjoy our products to the fullest
1. Running on Mac?
Running 3rd party add-ons in X-Plane on a Mac may require some specific (but simple) actions based on your hardware and macOS version. This guide explains the necessary steps to enable these add-ons and ensure optimal functionality.
2. Getting Started
We have created a collection of video tutorials which will help you pick up the add-ons in no time. Please visit the links bellow to watch all the tutorials.
3. Frequently Asked Questions
This is the quickest way for you to get up in the sky! Most questions get asked over and over again, so it is very likely htat you will find your answer here.
4. Our Comprehensive How-To Guides
Over the years, our team has accumulated more than three decades of experience with X-Plane. We know that it is not always easy to find all the right information in one place, and that's why we've put together these simple but comprehensive guides for you. No fluff, just getting straight to the point.
5. Tech Support Forum
Come Talk to Us!
If none of the above have helped you, feel free to come and chat with us in our Tech Support Forum on X-Plane.org. No question is ever left unanswered!