E-Jets Family

Known Limitations

While we're really proud of our E-Jets, the real aircraft is a multi-million dollar machine, developed by thousands of people and many companies. We’re a microscopic team of less than 10 people. Therefore, it is not reasonable to expect this to be a 1:1 replica of the real aircraft.

While we’ve already implemented hundreds of signature E-Jet features and we strive to create the most authentic version of the E-Jets on the flight simulation market, we want to be transparent about the few features that might still be missing, or use a simplified logic.

This list is not complete, but lists the main features that real pilots might look for. General flight sim users are not likely to need most of these features.

    • Holds

    • Procedural turns

    • FO AP Source isn't implemented

    • RNAV Approaches (you'll need to land with PTH for now if flying an RNAV approach)

    • RETD disconnects the AT but for now throttles need to be pushed back to idle manually.

    • VTA

    • Vertical DIRECT TO

    • DES NOW

    • Go Around isn't properly implemented

    • FIX INFO page

    • Ability to enter waypoints in the AIRWAY.WAYPOINT format

    • FLEX isn't properly implemented yet, since this will require very complex calculations

    • Intercept course during Direct-to

    • Extending the center line when on radar vectors

    • Landing weight calculations. Right now you need to enter it manually

    • PFD and MFD on the FO side mirror the CA side

    • Green dot - we don't know what the exact calculation for it is, once we get a math formula, we can implement it

    • Custom CAS system that includes all messages and is connected to the master caution and master warning buttons for every message.

    • Map ranges are currently not the same as on the real plane, because we're using X-Plane's weather radar that only allows certain ranges. Once X-Plane changes this, we will be able to implement the correct ranges

    • Known bug: The map may or may not freeze on a second flight in one XP session. The Map developer is no longer available and while we've been trying to debug this, with our limited knowledge of her code, we haven't been able to fix that yet. Workaround: Reload the aircraft before the second flight.

    • Custom and authentic AUTOBRAKE system. Right now we only have what X-Plane gives us. A custom Autobrake system is in the works.