If you'd like to create your own liveries, we are providing the paintkit for Photoshop. It is very important that you follow the guidelines below when creating your liveries. If you do not follow these guidelines, it is likely that the textures will not work correctly on all variants.
Update Feb 2025:
The Paintkit now also includes PSD files for customizing the Lineage 1000 interior.
Quick instructions
Download the paintkit below
Create your new livery following the guidelines below
Upload your finished livery to the org forums or anywhere you want.
Get editing permissions for the available liveries spreadsheet. (You will only do this once)
Post a link to your uploaded livery into the available liveries spreadsheet.
If you have any questions regarding the paintkit, please ask here.
Full instructions
The textures were designed so that they can easily be reused with minimal additional tasks and be compatible with all variants. All you need to do is:
Make sure to hide/show specific layer groups within the PSD based on which variant you're exporting. Just follow the instructions within the PSD file, it’s pretty self-explanatory.
Export the textures in the specific subfolder in the "objects" folder (for example .../objects/E170, ../objects/E175, etc.)! You can always review the default liveries to see which objects need to be where.
Use the REGISTRATION.png texture to define the registration which is visible in the cockpit or on the wings.
You can include a tail.txt file in the livery objects folder, you can have the registry number appear in the Tekton FMS. If you put the tail.txt file in the …aircraft/objects folder, it will be the same for all variants. If you want to define it individually for each aircraft, put individual tail.txt files into each individual aircraft subfolder, for example: …aircraft/objects/E170.
Pay attention to where the E170 Aft UVs finish. Often you’ll have to paint the Registration on the FWD section like this:
How to post finished liveries
Upload your finished livery to the org forums.
Post a link to your uploaded livery into the available liveries spreadsheet.
In order to make it easy for everyone to find your liveries, I created an online spreadsheet that will contain links to all available liveries.
This spreadsheet is set to View Only mode so that users don’t change the spreadsheet, however, as a contributor you have to request editing access from me. You only need to do this once and you will forever be able to edit the spreadsheet.
This is how you can Request edit access:
3. Once you’ve uploaded your livery, and you have editing access, you will be able to add a link to your liveries.please add a direct link for your livery to the spreadsheet.
Recap of what you should do
Upload your finished livery to the org forums.
Get editing permissions for the available liveries spreadsheet.
Post a link to your uploaded livery into the available liveries spreadsheet.