E-Jets Family

Release Notes

We continuously work on improving our products through regular updates. Below, you’ll find all the release notes for each one of our updates. Additionally, you can explore our development roadmap to discover our future plans.

LATEST Releases

E-Jets Family v2.0.1

Released on the 25th March 2025


  • Improved: FMS Speed—constrained speeds are now applied no sooner than two minutes before the affected waypoint, especially for long flight plan legs.

  • Improved: APP button functions—restrictions removed, now permitting RNAV/ILS approaches. APP will now work for LOC or VOR approaches again.

  • Improved: Autobrakes—enhancements include disengagement with an audible warning when:

    • Manual braking over 20% is applied during autobrake in RTO mode.

    • Brake failure is detected while wheel speed is below 60 kt in RTO mode.

    • Thrust lever is advanced during autobrake application.


  • Fixed: White APPR1/APPR2 indications disappearing from the top left of the FMA after GS capture.

  • Fixed: Repetitive cycling of fuel pump during climb.

  • Fixed: Glideslope warning is cancelled after passing the airport/runway waypoint.

  • Fixed: Duplicate waypoints bug—revised code to prevent deleting two waypoints when removing duplicates in certain flight plan scenarios.

  • Fixed: Final approach course application to ensure correct extraction from CIFP data, no longer using the runway magnetic heading for every ILS.


E-Jets Family v2.0.0

Released on the 14th March 2025

NEW AIRCRAFT: Embraer Lineage 1000

  • Cross oceans thanks to more powerful engines (CF34-10E7-B), a new custom Fuel system and two additional tanks in the fuselage, giving the Lineage an extra long range of 8500 km!

  • Highly intricate Airstairs allow your passengers to disembark also at smaller airports without jetways

  • Intricately crafted luxurious interior, at a level never before seen in X-Plane, with 50+ bespoke materials, super high-resolution material maps, five different zones, and even a bedroom

  • Four different liveries, each with a unique and authentic cabin.

  • Fully customizable cabin lighting with a control touchscreen. Individually adjust or orient any of the 28 spotlights around the cabin, adjust the upwash and downwash ambient lighting, or change the ceiling and floor lighting.

  • Five TVs throughout the cabin with a pre-departure slideshow, flight info page, and access to Avitab Web.

  • Animated blinds, tables, cabin doors, all with custom sounds.

  • All animated parts and cabin lights are automatically stowed/dimmed for taxi, takeoff, landing, and turbulence

  • An optional SATCOM often used for Broadcasting (TV or internet)

  • Optional plugged windows (some Lineages still have all windows)

  • The Lineage is highly customizable (Liveries, Interior, TV background, Magazine BG)

  • Clean cockpit textures without significant wear and tear

  • Plus everything that the other E-Jets can do, including all the automatic Autopilot modes, custom FMS or the Steep Approach System.

New Ambient Lighting Modifier

  • NEW: Ambient Lighting setting in the EFB dropdown with three options: Default, Dynamic, and Natural.

  • Default: Ambient lighting is based on the cockpit only. Reflections show cockpit instruments. Cockpit is dark.

  • Dynamic: Ambient lighting updates with location. This should improve cabin lighting and reflections.

  • Natural: Ambient lighting is based only on the exterior of the aircraft, resulting in brighter lighting throughout the airplane, but no reflections. But this does make the cockpit MUCH brighter.

NEW CUSTOM Autobrake system

  • NEW: Autobrake systems should now work as on the real aircraft.

    • You’ll notice that the HI setting will slow the aircraft down a lot faster than previously.

    • Whenever any brakes are manually applied on landing, the switch will turn to OFF and you’ll hear an aural warning “AUTOBRAKE”.

NEW CUSTOM Fuel System

  • Added: Fully custom fuel system:

    • Crossfeed Switch:

      • LOW1: Feeds the left engine from the right tank.

      • OFF: Each engine is fed from its tank.

      • LOW2: Feeds the right engine from the left tank.

    • AC Pumps:

      • Enabled only when the AC bus is online.

      • Automatic mode operates based on system needs.

    • DC Pump:

      • Provides fuel to the APU when no AC power is available.

      • Automatically enabled under specific conditions.

    • Auxiliary Fuel Transfer (Lineage only):

      • Operates symmetrically from auxiliary tanks to main tanks based on flight phase and tank quantities.

  • Improved: Fuel transfer logic, including pressure differences for transfer at higher altitudes


  • Improved: FMS RESET function with better reinitialization of FMS Speed, ILS Autotune, ILS approach, RNAV Glidepath approach, and major VNAV functions to address VNAV issues on second legs.

  • Improved: Page navigation on DEPARTURE and ARRIVAL pages now correctly displays TAKEOFF or LANDING at RSK6 after selections have been applied.

  • Improved: Approach re-selection now removes the need to select the runway every time.

  • Improved: Flight plans now merge identical SID ending and STAR beginning waypoints correctly, ensuring smooth autopilot transitions.

  • Improved: MFD PROGRESS fuel readings corrected

  • Improved: Approach re-selection corrected. You should be able to change approaches while en route and they should work.

  • Improved: The waypoint estimated time should give us more precise estimates now

  • Redeveloped: ILS Autotune has been developed again to improve integration with the rest of the plugins and functionality.

  • Fixed: Page navigation on the RUNWAYS page now correctly distinguishes between departure and arrival selections.

  • Fixed: Single-letter procedure names at MROC now corrected.

  • Fixed: Added correct name for SID Transitions that are truncated in the CIFP data to only their first initial (weird one!!)  The last waypoint of a transition is the source of the name.  

  • Fixed: Doing a Direct To to the next waypoint multiple times in a row should work again

  • Added: Block on using APP before 30 miles (authentic per pilot feedback). Over 50 miles triggers an Easter egg!

  • Added: New command: XCrafts/PREV_sequence to cycle PREV from 0 to 1 to 2 and back.


  • Added: New Glidepath Mode which provides vertical guidance for RNAV LPV and L/VNAV approaches. You can now do precision LPV RNAV approaches.

  • Fixed: VNAV now levels off at cruise altitude as expected, even when PFD altitude is set higher.

  • Fixed: ILS Approaches with no DME previously showed a yellow cross on the PFD, no lateral deviation and no approach ID. This is now fixed. Example runway: 16R at KPAE

EFB TABLET (Electronic Flight Bag)

  • NEW: EFB now has the Settings plugin integrated as a separate tab. It includes the settings page for Preferences and Sound settings.

  • NEW: New Weight & Balance page layout

  • Improved: Ground objects now appear automatically in cold/dark starts and disappear when the aircraft moves.

  • Improved: EFB will now remember is position, size and state.

  • Improved: The Weight & Balance Load sheets have new graphics.

  • Fixed: Enhanced winglets setting for the E175 is now remembered between sessions.

  • Fixed: Acceptable pressure value limits now match X-Plane’s pressure slider min/max.

  • Fixed: Various errors in the EFB code.

  • Fixed: Allow 2 digits simbrief ID

  • Fixed: Fix for runway length calculation not clearing in Landing app after calculation invalidation

  • Fixed: Fix for "Above Density Altitude Max Weight" error.


  • Added: New flashers for the FMA when APPR1, APPR2, LPV, or L/VNAV approaches are fully configured

  • Added: Flasher for the APPR annunciator, which appears 2NM before FAF or 5NM from the runway, whichever comes first

  • Improved: RNP indicator now shows correct values throughout the flight

  • Improved: All armed annunciators on the PFD are slightly smaller as per real aircraft

  • Fixed: PREV needle on the PFD is now tied to the correct lighting knob

  • Fixed: PREV deviation not showing deviation correctly for full HSI


  • Added: RWY to the map instead of airport identifier

  • Fixed: FMS Source data is now visible on the top left of the MFD map even when we switch to ILS/LOC as per real aircraft


  • Added: Separate windshield anti-ice switches for each window using new datarefs

  • Improved: Changed the color of the ground on the standby horizon to match the real color

  • Fixed: GPU now shows "IN USE" instead of "AVAIL" when active

  • Fixed: Master Caution and Warning no longer come up as soon as DC power comes on. They only show when the CAS messages appear.

  • Fixed: ITT during startup correctly shows the temperature rise and dropoff as expected

  • Fixed: Automatic Spoilers stay open on bouncy landings


  • Improved: Cabin lighting behavior—all cabin lights now dim when the seatbelt sign is on

  • Fixed: Cabin lights are now off when we shut down all AC and CD power


  • NEW: A full suite of new sounds for the Lineage 1000. All animated parts of the cabin produce unique sounds

  • NEW: Noise Canceling Effect to simulate real pilot headsets

  • NEW: Autobrakes should always now produce the correct AUTOBRAKE warning when disarmed or disengaged

  • Added: Tied Wind sound to the slider in EFB

  • Added: Tied Avionic Sound to the slider in EFB

  • Added: Tied Cabin Announcements to Slider in EFB (doesn't do anything yet because the Lineage doesn't have Announcements anymore)

  • Added: Sound for Pressure Dump Button and Pressure Dump Cover

  • Added: Sound to APU emergency shutoff cover

  • Added: Sound to the Auxiliary Isolation Cover

  • Added: Sound to the Crossfeed Override Cover

  • Added: Sound to the right and left AC pump switches

  • Added: Sound to the Crossfeed switch

  • Added: Sound to the Fuel Transfer Switch

  • Added: Sound to the Auxiliary Isolation Button

  • Added: Sound to the Crossfeed Override Button

  • Fixed: Speed knob sounds muted when FMS Speed is on.


  • NEW: Four Lineage liveries now have luxurious and accurate cabins

  • NEW: Highly intricate airstairs (Lineage 1000 only)

  • NEW: SATCOM, which can be selected through the EFB (Only available on the Lineage 1000)

  • Fixed: The nose of the aircraft had a weird dip around the windshield which made the aircraft look wrong from certain angles. NO MORE!

  • Improved: Fan animations for more realistic fast-spinning visuals.

  • Improved: Various switches and guards have added animations

  • Fixed: E170 inspection lights repositioned correctly.


  • Improved: Pilots are now hidden if Remove before flight is on

  • Improved: Pilots now have headsets


  • Reworked: All strobe/beacon lights now match real-world frequencies

    This gives us 3 options:

    • Default: Short strobe & beacon flashes. Strobes and beacons not connected.

    • E175 Extended winglets: Long strobe & beacon flashes together

    • LED lights override for all variants: Long strobes, then Long beacon

  • Improved: NAV lights now illuminate the ground beneath the wings


  • Fixed: Map Range selector too sensitive

  • Fixed: VR Default Pilot position restored

  • Fixed: VR Clickspot on the EFB is now smaller, allowing the EFB to be used with MoveVR


  • Improved: Logging has been overhauled to give us more and better information to analyze any issues that might occur. Please delete any Log files starting with “Log_XCrafts…” that you’ve had in your X-Plane root folder.

Known Error Message

  • When you load the aircraft before activating it, you will get an error pop-up related to “FMOD” (sounds).

  • This is because our new sounds require some data that is only provided once the aircraft has been activated.

  • You can disregard this pop-up, and it will only show up before activation.


E-Jets Family v1.1.1

Released on the 13th November 2024


  • DIRECT will now work for both AMBER (LSK1) and MAGENTA (LSK2) rows on the FLT PLAN page:

    • AMBER DIRECT: Creates a new DIRECT waypoint when the new destination waypoint is inserted at the aircraft present position. Aircraft will intercept course from PPOS insertion to the new destination waypoint.

    • MAGENTA DIRECT: Does not create a PPOS waypoint. Intercepts a course from last waypoint to the new destination waypoint.

  • The pitch attitude on the final approach in X-Plane 11 increased to be positive.

  • Below 200ft RA, the RA altitude on the PFD shows every 5ft instead of 10ft. This makes landing the E-Jets even easier as you can better anticipate the touchdown!

  • Added another click spot for scrolling through the flight plan to the PLAN page around "Waypoint centered" in the middle of the page.

  • Added GS INHIB button

    • Used to manually cancel glideslope alerts

    • Illuminates when pressed any time below 2000ft nominal radar altitude and will be automatically reset (light off) by climbing above 2000ft nominal or descending below 30ft


  • ILS autotune compatibility improved (Some users couldn't get it to run in v1.1.0)

  • PLI will no longer show up if you're on the final approach, unless your pitch attitude is more than 5°

  • Disabled door manipulators in flight


E-Jets Family v1.1.0

Released on the 25th September 2024



  • The FMS Speed feature automatically sets the correct speed for the autothrottle setting throughout the entire flight, based on the phase of the flight, the aircraft configuration, or speeds defined in the FMS or SID/STAR speed limits.

  • The FMS Speed must always follow the Speed Schedules (CLIMB/CRUISE/DESCENT) defined on PERF INIT 3/3 page unless overwritten by any limits that would limit the speed to a lower value. The limiting values are:

    • Speed Schedule (Based on PERF INIT 3/3) - Highest speeds

    • Manual waypoint speed entry (Defined by user)

    • 10000ft Speed Limit (“250 below 10000”. Defined on the CLIMB Page)

    • Departure Speed Limit or GO Around Speed Limit (Limiting speeds around airports)

    • Flaps Speed limit (Set by the max flaps speed limits)

    • Takeoff or Approach Speeds - Lowest speeds

  • For a full description of how FMS Speed works, please see the manual.


  • The Autotune feature will automatically load the correct NAV frequency into the radios based on the approach selected in the FMS. This happens 30NM out of the airport.

  • Automatic Switch to V/L implemented: When the approach has been armed by pressing APP and the preview mode has been enabled by pressing PREV, the autopilot will automatically switch from FMS as the source for the AP to V/L (VOR/Localizer) when the lateral deviation of the approach is less than 1 dot. This means that the pilot no longer has to manually tune in the ILS frequency or switch from FMS to the LOC source manually.

STEEP APPROACH (Available on the E170 & E190)

  • The steep approach system allows the aircraft to fly to London City airport or other airports that have approaches steeper than 3.5°. These approaches are thrilling and challenging!

  • The steep approach system opens the speed brakes dynamically during the approach to increase drag and subsequently increase the throttle setting. This helps during a possible go-around.


  • All screens now pop up as 2D pop-ups which can be popped out into a separate window.

  • Click with the left mouse button to open.

  • Click and drag with the left mouse button to move the screens around.

  • Click with the right mouse button to close them. Many values on the screens can be directly changed by scrolling over them, like altitude, speed, HDG, etc.


  • Added halo effect to the landing and taxi lights for XP12.1

  • The pilots ARE NOW ALIVE! They are now animated, with constant movement. They will also shake in turbulence, move with G forces on landing or turn their heads based on the pitch, roll and yaw.

  • TERM indicator added to the PFD when we enter the Terminal area which is 30NM radial distance from the destination airport. This will disappear when you switch from FMS to V/L.

  • Typical ITT temperature drop-off during the startup sequence added also in X-Plane 12, as on the real aircraft.



  • Improved: Further TOD automatic descent initiation improved

  • Improved: Corrected KIAS/MACH font size when in manual speed mode.

  • Improved: 100's adjustments for FL transition altitude are now permitted

  • Improved: Altitude change message now appears when the VNAV descent guidance diamond appears - per the manual

  • Improved: Changed TRIM check for T/O CONFIG to confirm that trim is within the green arc values on the EICAS. It does not need to exactly match the PITCH TRIM on the FMS

  • Improved: Added a missing “PERF INIT” navigation option to RSK6 on the RTE EDIT FMS page.

  • Improved: Revised FPLAN page 1 to correctly reflect current FMS Speed values in the top right.

  • Improved: Default Speed Schedules on PERF 3/3 have been defined.

  • Improved: All speeds can be modified either by manual entry or by selecting the OR function for other Speed modes on the PERF3/3 page, or on the FPL pages.

  • Improved: FMS Gross weight calculations improved

  • Improved: If multiple same warnings appear on the scratchpad, only one CLR press is now enough to clear them all

  • Improved: You can now type the exact name of your CO ROUTE file into the scratchpad and then insert it into CO ROUTE field to insert it directly instead of selecting it from the list.

    • The name must match the .fms file name exactly, without the file extension.

    • For example, if the flight plan file name is KBOS-KJFK.fms, you should enter KBOS-KJFK into the scratchpad.

  • Improved: FPL Page speeds should correctly reflect the current FMS Speeds

  • Improved: Reselecting an approach or arrival, or reentering a new flight plan has been reworked to be more stable. The VSD should update accordingly to your new flight plan

  • Improved: The TO PITCH on the TAKEOFF page now shows the correct value based on the flaps set for takeoff

  • New: You can now use the Backspace key on your keyboard to clear any scratchpad messages. That means you can click them by pressing TAB - BACKSPACE - TAB.

  • Fixed: The top bar on the FMS Pop-Up was not visible in Cold & Dark state

  • Fixed: TO DATASET values now reset properly after the FMS resets

  • Fixed: 6-digit values on the ZFW and GROSS WT were visible out of the FMS Screen. This has been prevented

  • Fixed: TOD not updating correctly on the VSD after some flight plan changes.

  • Fixed: The gross weight on the FMS now matches the gross weight on the STATUS MFD page.

  • Fixed: FMS not showing all runways at KDEN and other airports.

  • Fixed: A random CTD likely caused by an ETA prediction error.

  • Fixed the following miscellaneous FMS bugs:

  • On the cruise page, the speed command is incorrect: 180kt instead of 290/.78M.

  • On the flight plan page, unable to write a speed superior to the climbing speed (written on the performance init page) for the climbing period.

  • Unable to change the speed of the cruise in the flight plan.

  • The transition altitude must always be in ft on the climb and the descent page.

  • Unable to modify the speed limit below an altitude on the climb and the descent page.

  • Unable to write 2130 kg for the alternate fuel (performance init page): invalid entry.

  • Unable to access the maintenance page via the Menu page (via the NAV page, it's okay).


  • Fixed: Removed a glowing surface under the window at night.

  • Fixed: The WX button on the GS panel had corrupted letters.

    Cockpit Dome Lights increased brightness to properly illuminate the cockpit.

  • Fixed: Cockpit Dome Lights cast light but the actual light bulb was not on when on DC power.

  • Fixed: Cockpit Lights and Cabin lights being on in Cold & Dark.

  • Fixed: Issues with missing manipulators on the FMS radio knobs.

  • Fixed: The right MFD manipulator now pops out the new pop-up MFD screen instead of opening the old pop-ups.

  • Fixed: The erroneous overlapping AT DISCONNECT annunciator when changing from SPDT to SPDE.

  • Fixed: Windshield heating 1 and 2 not illuminated during ANNUNCIATOR TEST.

  • Fixed: The fire extinguisher bottle has an opaque gauge glass. It is now transparent again.


  • Improved: Lateral and vertical Autopilot constants have been extensively fine-tuned to minimize overshooting of turns in LNAV or overshooting of the bugged altitude.

  • Improved: Lateral deviation of the FD on takeoff is now limited to prevent twitchy movements

  • Fixed: Trim didn't disconnect AP.

  • Fixed: PTH is no longer available when switching from FMS to LOC2

  • Fixed: Pressing FLCH right after takeoff should engage FLCH immediately. Before it selected FPA


  • Improved: Fine-tuned AT constants for the millionth time, which should be more stable even during high winds. This should improve AT stability as well as approach descent rate stability.

    Please note that due to X-Plane's flight model calculations and the inability to set different AT constants for high speed and low speeds, every effort has been put into finding the right balance, but in certain corner cases, the AT may still experience a bit of overshooting or undershooting, just like on the real aircraft.


  • Improved: FD increases pitch automatically based on the commanded speed as soon as the aircraft leaves the ground.

  • Improved: Overhaul of ATTCS (Autothrottle Takeoff Control System). Revised to allow use of normal FMS Speeds for takeoff without the concern of inadvertent power loss on takeoff.


  • New: Added Steep Approach indications.

  • New: Vf speed bugs added to the speed tape.

  • Improved: NAV Frequencies are now magenta if autotune is enabled on the FMS RADIO page. It will be green if autotune is disabled.

  • Improved: The overspeed bar indication now show the correct setting whether we are in KIAS or MACH.

  • Improved: Improvements to the FMA to reflect all ATTCS improvements.

  • Fixed: TO Vspeeds sometimes not being visible.

  • Fixed: Corrected the DME 1 Distance indicator on the PFD.

  • Fixed: The Flight Director in X-Plane 11 now behaves like in X-Plane 12 again


  • Fixed: Fixed the Map being frozen and then crashing the sim in some situations

  • Fixed: Changed some instruments being tied to the wrong brightness knob.

  • Fixed: Transponder modes now work correctly.

  • Fixed: The wind indications were showing wrong values. Any further issues are likely related to wrong data sent from X-Plane.

  • Fixed: Fuel temperature data on the Fuel Synoptic page uses more accurate data.

  • Fixed: Hydraulic temperature data on the Hydr Synoptic page uses more accurate data.

  • Fixed: Safety valve on the ECS page showing OPEN in incorrect situations.


  • Improved: Cyan arch showing throttle request doesn't go beyond the TRS limit anymore.

  • Fixed: Pitch readout on the EICAS showing 0 and 1 superimposed when the pitch was 0.95°.

  • Fixed: APU Dashes not returning after first APU run


  • Improved: Completely reworked the TO CG calculations, which should now always calculate the optimal Takeoff CG.

  • Improved: The EFB will now prioritize loading the front cargo bay as on the real aircraft

  • Fixed: Fix CTD when an invalid airport ICAO is entered and new input is made to other fields while the error alert box is shown.

  • Fixed: Fixed CTD when entering wrong data into the wind field.


  • Improved: TRS limits have been readjusted to better reflect the AOM climb performance

  • Fixed: Thrust reduction from TO to CLB is linked to flaps lever. TO will now change to CLB if all these conditions were met:

    • Gear Up

    • Above 400 AGL

    • Any change in vertical FD mode (the VNAV AFE CAP for instance, or any other manual selection of VS or anything else)


  • Improved: Ignition fixed to happen at the correct N2 value

  • Improved: Climb engine performance

  • Improved: Climb Performance and TRS limits for the E170 and E175

  • Improved: Autopilot Pitch Constants for a more stable climb


  • Fixed: VNAV/TOD Altitude Issues - Death Dive

  • Fixed: Airplane sometimes not starting descent at TOD

  • Improved: Adjusted TOC indication to better match the actual performance of the aircraft. This will be fine-tuned with more data

  • Fixed: Changing the arrival should no longer clear the waypoint altitudes

  • Improved: Revising Altitude should be more reliable. This can be done on PERF 2/3 or by flying to a new altitude in magenta FLCH (VNAV level change) and the cruise altitude should update on the FMS once we are 200ft within the new bugged altitude.

  • Fixed: The plane will no longer fly above cruise altitude if the ALT setting is set higher than the cruise altitude

  • Improved: Adjustments upwards allowed to alow adjusting of any overshoots in level-offs.

FLIGHT MODEL (X-Plane 12 only)

  • Improved: Aerodynamics have been fine-tuned to result in an even more accurate flight model.

  • Improved: Weight and balance for all aircraft have been revised to match the AOM values. This was done in conjunction with the EFB W&B improvements to ensure optimal TO CG and prevent early liftoff during takeoffs.

  • Improved: Extensive engine performance improvements have been done to achieve an even more accurate performance. Climb times now match the AOM values.

  • Improved: Startup sequence was reworked and fine-tuned to get ever closer to the real values and times.

  • Fixed: Made some changes which should fix the inability to start the engines also at high altitudes.

  • Improved: Fuel flow has been fine-tuned.

  • Improved: Added KEAS values needed for XP12.09+ flight models.

  • Improved: Gear friction fine-tuned.


  • Improved: Improvements to the hydraulic system to take advantage of new X-Plane 12 features.

  • Improved: Nose wheel steering has been slowed down from 1 to 3 seconds for the full rotation.

  • Improved: Default X-Plane Autothrottle command is overridden by our custom command, so you don't have to reassign the command on your hardware.

  • Fixed: TO CONFIG saying NO TAKEOFF FLAPS TRIM if only trim was wrong


  • New: Improved the Anti Ice indications. ICE CONDITIONS messages added to the CAS warning section. Anti-Ice now shows ICE CONDITIONS when flying through clouds around 0°C. Ice will not form if it's raining or colder.

  • Improved: The windshield ANTI ICE switches are now separated for left and right in XP12.

  • Improved: Improved the Anti-Ice Page temperature values on the ANTI ICE synoptic MFD page.

  • Fixed: Temp number on the right leading edge missing on anti-ice page in cold and dark

  • Fixed: Anti-ice During Startup: Improvements have been made to eliminate engine startup issues at high-altitude airports.


  • Improved: FMS now pops up smaller

  • Improved: PFD MFD and EICAS can be popped up as 3D pop-ups.

  • Improved: Clicking anywhere on the EFB will pop it up in VR

  • Improved: The top part of the yoke is now hidden as well when the yoke is hidden

  • Improved: VR Config fine-tuning for the VS wheel

  • Fixed: Made the MFD pop-up manipulator smaller so that MFD Synoptic pages can be controlled again on the normal non-popped-up screen.


  • Fixed: Inability to toggle reverse thrust on TCA Throttles

  • Fixed: Speed command not going lower than 140kts

  • Fixed: TO CONFIG check should now work fine also if flaps have been assigned to an axis in the hardware settings


  • Improved: Improved the wing flex animations

  • Fixed: The cabin curtain is no longer transparent from the service door side

  • Fixed: Rubber around the door is not visible also from the outside

  • Fixed: There was a green edge on the cabin windows. This has been fixed


  • Improved: Cockpit seat shake noise randomized pitch to sound slightly differently every time

  • Improved: Engine buzz added, most notably audible over 85%N1 and in the cabin near the engines

  • Improved: Added additional prevention of accidental “Approaching Minimums” warning on takeoff

E-Jets Family v1.0.4

Released on the 16th December 2023


  • FLCH is now limited to a minimum of +2° up in climb and -7° on descent.

  • Fixed the Flight Director jumping up and down during turbulence. This fix is only available in X-Plane 12 due to the new dataref not being available in X-Plane 11.

  • LOC and GS stay as active autopilot modes even after disconnecting the autopilot.

  • Bank angle limit should automatically be engaged above FL270.

  • Sequencing into a DISCON or VECTRS waypoint now correctly disables VNAV.

  • TOGA now correctly initiates also on the second leg (flight).

  • Pressing AT when FLCH is active will now result in AT using throttle and FPA. Also Cancels VNAV.

  • Pressing AT again will now disable AT.

  • Using vertical modes without the flight director off will not do anything but issue warnings.


  • Many more approaches are now available in the FMS! Previously, we only covered approaches without any designations or X and Y approaches. We are now covering approaches with any designation, which unlocks a lot more landing opportunities!

  • Added function to clear waypoint constraints with DELETE.

  • Fixed insert STAR waypoint adds ROUTE waypoint type.

  • Fixed two-digit display of pages on FPLAN.

  • The transponder mode or Radio frequencies will no longer be reset as part of the FMS Reset 2 minutes after landing.

  • Fixed FMS not resetting after the second flight.

  • PERF INIT page 2/3 CRZ ALT, TOG CG, and ZFW entry fields are now boxes and not "0".

  • Added Units (KG/LB) to PERF INIT 2.

  • Fixed FLT PLAN page corruption: Overflowing data on the last FLT PLAN page KJFK.LENDY8 with no runway or approach set.

  • Fixed: When editing the FPL, the Cancel saves the changes instead of reverting to the original.

  • Fixed FL Transition Altitude being inoperative.

  • Fixed DTK on the FMS not being correct (It is correct on the PFD).

  • Heliports are now ignored in the FMS and will not be loaded as the ORIGIN airport.

  • Fixed: "C" runway SID's, SID COMMON's, and STAR's waypoint data missing.

  • FLP PLAN ETAs now update throughout the flight and should be much more accurate.

  • Fuel predictions on the FMS PROGRESS page now update every 5 seconds, not every frame, which should result in much smoother values.

  • The correction of the wind components calculator for takeoff and landing.

  • Fixed CTD when the FMS is reset automatically after landing.

  • Improved the DIRECT Insert.

  • The destination row in the FPLAN page should be the RW designator, not the airport ICAO.

  • Improved fuel prediction calculations.

  • Revised PROGRESS GCD (Great Circle Distance) to use the Haversine distance calculation.

  • Data for Actual Time of Arrival Incorrectly Formatted. Now shows the actual altitude at the last waypoint.

  • Fixed the issue of ROUTE waypoints not being properly "smoothed" into the STAR.

  • TOC and TOD adjust correctly when waypoint altitude constraints or user overrides are removed.

  • Fixed VOR and VORDME approaches not being properly differentiated.

  • Fixed the CLIMB page not being accessible from the TAKEOFF page.

  • MFD fuel data corrupted for E190/E195. Three major digits are now possible with large fuel loads on the MFD.

  • Several fixes to the DIRECT function to allow for correct waypoint altitude handling.

  • Bearing between fixes should not be negative numbers.

  • Resolved STAR waypoint display and default cruise CAS issues.

  • Restored ETE calculations on PERF/CRUISE page for accurate decimal minutes display.

  • Fixed Missed Approach waypoint code corrupting the flight plan when the departure and arrival airport are the same.

  • Fixed TOC recalculating oddly after reaching cruise altitude.

  • Descent "mini" TOD's now added if needed for DIRECT legs inside of the STAR.


  • Trim now stops after 3 seconds of continuous change.

  • Fine-tuned engine startup sequence for X-Plane 12 which should now better match the real aircraft.

  • Fixed: Electrical bus ties were always cross-tied. The BUS TIE switch did not actually disconnect the buses. It does now.

  • CG is not displayed in %MAC in the X-Plane 12 Weight & Balance menu.

  • Stick shaker forces set correctly based on the AOM.

  • The hydraulic system now reflects the real operations to the full X-Plane 12 capabilities. A fully custom solution that will allow additional functions is planned for a future update.

  • Anti-Ice switches use the latest X-Plane 12 datarefs.


  • Speedbrakes lever no longer moves on landing when the speedbrakes are deployed automatically.

  • Animated the APU EMERG red guard. This allows you to open the guard and press the APU EMERG shutdown button.

  • The speed knob now allows setting the speed as low as 108kts which might be needed for some approaches.

  • Audio panel now defaults to VHF1, not MRK.

  • Added a new Easter egg QR code.

  • Steering tiller now moves more gradually + Improved Manipulator Calibration.

  • Taxi Side light no longer ON by default when loaded with engines running.

  • Prevented the Fuel XFEED switch from loading on the LOW2 position (which was caused by an XP12 bug).

  • Reverse Thrust Manipulators on the throttles disabled in the air.


  • A flashing MSG annunciator added which is displayed whenever there is a message on the FMS scratchpad.

  • Added TCAS OFF, and TCAS TEST indications to the PFD.

  • On the approach, “RETD armed” is now displayed 100ft AGL before the RETD actually engages.

  • Pitch Limit Indicator added to the PFD.


  • Fixed the outflow valve indicator going nuts on the ECS synoptic page.

  • Added new TCAS modes which are available in X-Plane 12 (New modes: ALT-OFF, ALT-ON, GND, TA ONLY). Previous modes which are also included are OFF, STBY, TEST, TA/RA.

  • The DEST on progress on the MFD should show the RUNWAY, not the destination airport.

  • Revise use of airport ICAO to the runway identifier where needed.

  • Fixed airport database cache in the wrong directory. YOU CAN DELETE THE "xcrafts" FOLDER FROM THE X-PLANE ROOT FOLDER.

  • The MAP mode now shows wind in polar coordinates, while PLAN shows wind in Cartesian coordinates.

  • The MFD and PFD now use the updated transponder values in X-Plane 12, which have changed so the indications were showing incorrect modes.

  • The FLT CTL page was showing the inner spoilers deployed in the air which was not correct.

  • Fixed the ETA indications on the MFD showing values over 60 minutes.

  • Fix route and map data orientation in plan mode (plane was using magnetic north while the route was using true north).

  • Fixed the Weather antenna angle indicator moving when FPA was being adjusted!

  • Fix the Wind Indications Y and X headwind and crosswind components on the MFD. Any prevailing issues are due to bugs in X-Plane 12.

  • Fixed the Outflow Valve once more, this time hopefully for good.

  • Fixed the brake temperature indicator when the temps were negative.

  • Fixed TCAS in X-Plane 12 not showing traffic on the map.


  • Improved the speedbrake indications: The green indication of the speedbrake is now always visible, the area below the deployed green speedbrake is now correctly gray, and the GND SPOILER annunciator is in a white box as on the real aircraft.

  • EICAS declutter is now disabled also whenever autobrakes are set to anything else than OFF.


  • Windshield & Windows glass transparency changed:

    • Front windshield changed from 85% to 70% opacity.

    • Side windshield changed from 85% to 55% opacity.

    • Passenger windows changed from 75% to 60% opacity.

  • Fixed double text on the main landing gear door. Previously it showed LINEAGE 1000 over the correct name of the aircraft.


  • Rebuilt exterior sound routing.

  • Environmental sounds now bleed into the cockpit/cabin.

  • Rain and storms are now audible.

  • Very subtle environmental white noise is now audible.

  • Default X-Plane environment volume slider still works.


  • Added a manipulator for MAX REVERSE THRUST.


  • Use a separate airport cache directory for the map. Fixes the "airport not found" issues and "cache corrupted" messages in Log.txt.

  • Fixes intermittent crash on exit due to map thread not being killed before releasing resources.

  • Fix route and map data orientation in plan mode (plane was using magnetic north while the route was using true north).


  • Use a separate airport cache directory for the EFB. Fixes the "airport not found" issues and "cache corrupted" messages in Log.txt.

  • Corrected max E175 MTOW value in the EFB.

  • Fix typo in perf DB for E190/E195/Legacy which caused the Vr to be lower than V1.

  • Add improved logging on input error to diagnose stack overflow errors on some systems.

E-Jets Family v1.0.3

Released on the 3rd October 2023


  • Changed Throttle Retarding detection method to prevent previous hardware issues.

  • Replaced Speedbrakes joystick axis reference and remove inhibition if speed brake axis use is detected.

  • Command tooltips for the X-Plane Joystick menu revised to improve clarity


  • Extra characters lingering from previous waypoint ID's on the MFD Progress bar

  • East and West were swapped on the PILOT WAYPOINT pages

  • Fixed RTE page - navigating back to RTE during some MOD conditions would show the departure airport as series of blue squares.

  • Also found some other page navigation and MOD status quirks that needed fixing as well.

  • Fixed Mach display for TOC/TOD modified ROUTE waypoints on the FPLAN pages as well as corrected the display format for all waypoints whose speed is displayed in Mach units anywhere in the plugin. The correct format is .nnM

  • Added climb (CLB) and descent (DES) data for TOC/TOD modified ROUTE waypoints on the FPLAN pages.

  • Fixed wrong runway on FPLAN missed approach page 1.

  • Fixed next waypoint and ETA not updating correctly on MFD.

  • Fixed indication of cruise Mach on FPLAN page 1, row 1

  • Fixed - overlapping indications of other vertical modes when PTH is engaged at TOD.

  • Fixed - VAP airspeed entry should be cyan, not magenta.

  • Updated our navaid finder to prevent TACAN's from being rejected as a procedure waypoint

  • Fixed FMS filenames truncated on Linux

  • Fixed MFD Waypoint time / Clock Disagreement

  • Zulu time correctly displayed on the PROGRESS page

  • Fix transponder readout to permit leading zeros for single digit values like "0003"


  • Added subsequent TOD indications on the VSD for any level-offs in STARs + PTH should now always resume descent after level off in the descent

  • Fixed: VNAV not engaging if AP not selected before 1200ft AGL

  • Improved TOD precision

  • TOC is now visible if it occurs within the SID. TOC is displayed currently based on average climb performance, but you may reach FL before or after TOC, that is normal

  • Fixed: Route waypoint altitudes do not conform to climb or descent altitude profiles when before TOC or after TOD.

  • Fixed: PTH Vertical deviation bug does not stay in the middle during level offs during the descents


  • Fixed: Incorrect change from KTS to MACH at 30900ft [TEST: Confirm that the units always change correctly when crossing ~30900ft, and also that they do not change if you were already in the correct units, eg, if you were in kts above 30900ft, it should stay in kts]

  • Fixed: If LNAV is deactivated, VNAV must switch to the associated manual mode. FPA now correctly syncs with the current flight path angle when the FPA button is pressed

  • LNAV and VNAV will not disconnect if you disengage AP anymore

  • Vertical modes are correctly updated when FD is toggled off.

  • Fixed: The user is not able to set the VS or other AP modes while on the ground

  • Added commands for changing the speed up and down by 1 or 10kts so that users can set it up on their hardware.


  • The flight Model was modified to prevent early rotation on takeoff in XP12

  • Decreased the idle N1 slightly for the XP11 variants

  • Flap extension times were reduced after evaluating some real-world videos. Flap 1 now takes 15 sec to extend instead of 20 seconds.


  • Fixed strange sharp edges around the buttons on the Guidance Panel and on the Minimums and FPA knobs

  • Reevaluated Windshield Glass transparency - the conclusion was that the transparency was true to life and depends highly on the lighting conditions in the sim

  • Prevented the minimums manipulators to be manipulated by click and hold, because it resulted in values that were not 5 or 0, which was incorrect.


  • Fixed: The Speed tape would jump to 420kts while the plane is stationary with strong winds.


  • RETD Annunciator added again (Engages on landing when AT disengages). RETD ARMED is still pending

  • The Magenta Diamond for VNAV vertical deviation will no longer appear after landing

  • Fixed: BARO Minimums readout box was invisible when RA Minimums are at 0

  • Fixed FPA cyan lines being visible after changing to PTH

  • Removed AP engaged flasher, as there is no flashed on the real plane.

  • AT Disconnect Flashing annunciator corrected color from red to green


  • Improved navigation between different MFD pages and dropdowns

  • Fixed: When the APU is running and the APU valve is then closed, the APU valve stays open on the Anti Ice page, but closes correctly on the ECS page


  • Fixed incorrect occurrence of the ENG TLA NOT TOGA CAS message. It is now only visible if AT is armed, and you are going faster than 60kts. If you see this message, push the throttles fully forward on takeoff which will engage the AutoThrottle


  • Use the ICAO code instead of the identifier to search airports. This should fix some airports not being found on the EFB [NOTE]: If this still happens to you, please quit X-Plane, then navigate to …\X-Plane\Output\caches\xcrafts, and delete the airports.db folder. It will be recreated automatically next time you start X-Plane. This should resolve this issue

  • Fix bug in touch drag detection


  • STARTER switches and EMERG LT will now be in the correct OFF position in a cold & dark state.

  • Fixed: Mysterious CTDs when loading the plane for some users

  • Revised logging.

  • Fixed: Engine Covers are not displayed in XP12, but they work fine in XP11


  • Fixed back nav lights on the extended winglets of the E175. They were red, but are now white as they should be

  • Fixed back nav lights on the E190/E195 not being visible. They were tied to the strobe lights, not the nav lights.

  • Increased the overall intensity of all nav lights by 20%

  • Adjusted the intensity of the strobe lights to match real values

  • The back NAV and Strobe lights now shine on the winglets as on the real planes.


  • Fixed the E190/E195 engine pylon going through the flap when the flaps were extended

  • Improved winglex on all variants. The wings now bend higher on takeoff, as lift increases.

  • Please note that due to a bug in X-Plane, the lift forces are not effective in Replay mode, so the winglex in replay mode will not look exactly as it does in real-time. This was reported to Laminar Research.

  • Moved the engine cones for the E170 and E175 a bit closer to the engines, so that they do not intersect with the Simple Ground Service vehicles


  • Added cabin mains ground contact.

  • Added cabin nose ground contact.

  • Replaced cockpit mains ground contact.

  • Added cockpit nose ground contact.

  • Added "autobrake" aural.

  • Installed additional insulation under the floor near the wing root. This has muffled the rather noisy electric hydraulic pump by about 6dB and brought the pitch down slightly.

  • Fixed interior electric hydraulic pump shutdown, wasn't playing properly.

  • Verified that all instances of the "landing gear" typo have been corrected to "landing gear".

E-Jets Family v1.0.2

Released on the 26th June 2023


  • The throttle animation was fixed. They are not separate and they move backward in reverse

  • AT stability improved in X-Plane 12. Still not perfect, but should be much better now than before.

  • The reaction of FLCH climb/descent rates slowed down a bit


  • Engine Start at high temperatures fixed - Engines should now always start under normal conditions

  • Flaps 1 and 2 now take much longer to extend, as per the real aircraft

  • Fixed Fuel Crossfeed switch which wasn’t working

  • The right Radio is now off in DC power, left one is powered

  • Fixed sterile lights switch not moving on DC power

  • Wing Ice Protection switch indication fixed


  • Added a preceding zero to the altitude dial for FL values lower than FL100 as on the real aircraft

  • The speed trend is now only displayed once the speed tape is live (above 30 kts)

  • Fixed speed tape showing incorrect value while the aircraft is stationary in strong ground winds

  • Fixed VS indication not clearing on the PFD when switching from VS to FLCH (VNAV) mode during the climb

  • Enhanced the APPR1/APPR2 modes on the PFD:

    • APPR 1 (CAT I ) will be Engaged and green if the following conditions are met:

      • Minimums are set to BARO

      • Flaps are set to 5 or FULL

      • Radio altitude is less than 1500ft

    • APPR 2 (CAT II ) will be Engaged and green if the following conditions are met:

      • Minimums are set to RA

      • Flaps are set to 5 or FULL

      • Radio altitude is less than 1500ft


  • Brake temperatures now display correctly, and the temperature now increases after braking. It will take around 15 minutes to cool off after applying full brakes on landing. This is only available in X-Plane 12.

  • Fixed temperatures sometimes incorrectly showing 0°C on the ANTI ICE page

  • Fixed last waypoint on missed approach missing identifier on VSD.

  • Fixed crash when plugins provide bad TCAS aircrafts data.

  • Fixed north-up map not orientated to true north on the PLAN.

  • Fixed VSD focus waypoint out of order in some situations.

  • Fixed reversed left/right of track indicator.

  • Fixed CTD when perf available with no flight plan.

  • Fixed TOD drawn over TOC on VSD with short flight plans.

  • Fixed TOD position inaccurate on VSD with some flight path angles.


  • Fixed OIL PRESS being too high in X-Plane 12

  • Fuel flow for left engine displayed in tens, not single digits as on the real aircraft


  • Fixed airport database filtering out non-IFR airports. There should be no more issues finding an airport

  • Fixed: No explicit connection timeout set on libcurl requests. (For Linux users)

  • Fixed: Status bar showed wrong day


  • No smoking and seatbelt sounds no longer play when there is no battery power.

  • Park brake sound now only makes sound when the handle moves.

  • Fixed a typo that was preventing the oxygen supply test from working on the 190, 95, and Lineage.

  • Interior APU sounds are now working as intended.

  • Sound now fades in when sim is unpaused, or when returning from a menu screen.

  • Added interior cabin electrical to the rear of the cabin.

  • Added engine windmilling sound when engines are off (X-Plane 12 only)

  • Added 1000, 500, 200, and 100 callouts. (Sounds generously provided by Mango Studios)

  • Rebuilt the packs event to more closely match the functionality of the real plane

  • Rebuilt avionic fans to be more consistent.

  • Rebuilt touchdown sounds to happen independently as each gear touches down.

  • Added interior engine start sounds.

  • Fixed cabin/cockpit rattle sounds that were not playing properly.


  • Yellow-Black stripes under engine starters not visible without FLOOD/STORM lights


  • Revised all the VR hotspots for both X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12


E-Jets Family v1.0.1

Released on the 19th May 2023


  • Autothrottle toggle button - was inoperative in some situations. - fixed

  • Unexplained zero percent TRS (Thrust Reduction Setting) on cruise - fixed

  • Improved TRS page functionality - all functions will cancel AUTO, and AUTO will now always show the correct current TRS setting

  • CLB may now be selected during departure, even if FLAPS 1 or FLAPS 2 are still deployed.

  • Slightly increased CLB thrust for slightly better climb performance

  • Reduced sensitivity to autopilot flyups when close to Vne. Also restricting flyup protection to descents.

  • Fuel predictions on PROGRESS no longer vary wildly.

  • MacOS CTD on cold/dark load attempts


  • Bank angle mode does not revert to normal bank angle

  • Fixed the V/L button on the FO side to work just like the one on the CA side

  • Unable to close popped-out MFD screen - Fixed, you will always be able to click on the VSD to toggle the popup even with dropdown menus open

  • Added pop up screens also to the FO side

  • Added transmitting for VHF1 and VHF2 to the radios

  • Increased the brightness of cockpit panel lights, so that they are more visible in XP12 during the day. Please use the dimming knobs to dim them down at night as they may appear too bright. This is a workaround while we wait for X-Plane 12 to render the cockpit brighter.

  • Removed FD from the standby Display

  • Windshield heater strips are a bit less dark to reflect the real color

  • There was a black triangle next to the windshield heaters - fixed


  • Takeoff VSpeeds Disappearing - Fixed

  • BARO minimums limited to 2000 MSL - Fixed

  • Minimums (including the bug on the tape) are not visible anymore when on the ground



  • Improved automatic the cabin pressure management.

  • Cabin pressure rate change improved

  • Added manual control of cabin pressure (the switch is not yet animated but it will work)

  • Implemented CABIN PRESSURE DUMP switch


  • EFB not loading on some versions of Linux - fixed

  • Fuel capacity corrected in the perf databases for the E190 and E195


  • Fixed cargo bays not being properly aligned with the doors

  • The Cargo door opening instructions on the E170 AFT door fixed


  • APU Switch should now be functional for the START position

E-Jets Family v1.0.0 - Initial Release

Released on the 10th May 2023